
End of Lease Cleaning Sydney

As a leading commercial cleaning service provider, our expertise extends to end-of-lease cleaning for 3+ bedroom houses and Airbnb properties. Our team of professionals is committed to ensuring your property is thoroughly cleaned and sanitized, leaving it in pristine condition for your next tenant or guest.

End of Lease Cleaning Sydney

At Leading Commercial Cleaning, we understand that moving out can be stressful, especially when it comes to cleaning. That’s why we offer End of Lease Cleaning Sydney services that you can trust. Our experienced cleaners are equipped with the latest cleaning tools and techniques to ensure your property is thoroughly cleaned and ready for the next tenant.

Our bond cleaning services are tailored to meet the specific requirements of landlords and real estate agents, ensuring that you get your bond back in full. We specialize in end of lease cleaning for 3+ bedroom houses and apartments, so you can be confident that we’ll leave your property sparkling clean.

#1 Move Out Cleaning in Sydney

If you’re moving out of your property, our move out cleaning services are here to help. We offer a comprehensive cleaning service that covers all areas of your property, from the kitchen to the bathrooms and everything in between. Our team of professional cleaners is committed to providing you with a stress-free move out experience.

Trustworthy Bond End of Lease Cleaning Sydney

When it comes to bond cleaning, trust is everything. At Leading Commercial Cleaning, we take pride in providing bond cleaning services and End of Lease Cleaning Sydney that you can rely on. Our team of experienced cleaners is fully insured and trained to provide a thorough and reliable cleaning service that meets the highest standards.

We use the latest cleaning equipment and techniques to ensure that every corner of your property is cleaned to perfection. From dusting and vacuuming to scrubbing and polishing, we’ll leave your property looking and smelling fresh.

Why Choose us for End of Lease Cleaning?

  • 100% Bond Back Guarantee 

  • On-Time Service

  • No Hidden Fees

  • Same Day Services

  • 50+ Professional Cleaners

  • Fully Insured

  • Latest Quality Chemicals & Equipments

End of lease Cleaning Checklists

Efficient couple cleaning their home together, portraying the teamwork and dedication that defines our professional cleaning services.
Asian cleaning service woman worker cleaning in the living room at home, embodying the professionalism and dedication of our cleaning services.

End Of Lease Cleaning Checklist for All Rooms:

  • Clean and polish all glass-top surfaces
  • Take out trash and recyclables
  • Cobwebs removed
  • Wipe door handles and light switches
  • Mattresses are explicitly cleaned
  • Floors & Walls Cleaned

End Of Lease Cleaning Checklist for Bathrooms:

  • Clean all cupboards and drawers
  • Clean sinks and taps,
  • Clean shower screen and shower walls
  • Clean and sanitise bath
  • Absolute removal of all water stains.


End Of Lease Cleaning Checklist for Kitchens:

  • Clean interior and exterior single oven
  • Clean countertops
  • Cleaning stovetop
  • Wash and scrub sink
  • Clean cabinet surfaces and appliances
  • Clean all cupboards, pantry, and drawers

The Importance of End of Lease Cleaning Sydney: Why You Can't Afford to Ignore It

When it comes to moving out of a rental property, there are many things that can be overlooked or forgotten. However, one crucial aspect that should not be neglected is the End of Lease Cleaning Sydney. In this article, we will highlight the importance of End of Lease Cleaning Sydney and why you can’t afford to ignore it.

What is End of Lease Cleaning?

End of Lease Cleaning Sydney is a thorough cleaning process that is required by most landlords and property managers when a tenant is vacating a rental property. This cleaning process is designed to ensure that the property is left in the same condition as it was when the tenant first moved in. This includes cleaning all areas of the property, including the kitchen, bathrooms, bedrooms, and living areas.

Why is End of Lease Cleaning Important?

There are several reasons why End of Lease Cleaning Sydney is important. Here are a few:

To Avoid Additional Costs: If you fail to clean the property thoroughly, you may be charged for additional cleaning costs by your landlord or property manager. These costs can add up quickly and can be a significant financial burden.
To Protect Your Bond: If you leave the property in a dirty or damaged condition, you may be at risk of losing your bond. This can be a significant amount of money, and it’s not something that you want to lose.
To Maintain a Good Relationship with Your Landlord: If you leave the property in a clean and tidy condition, it shows that you respect your landlord and their property. This can help to maintain a good relationship with them, which can be beneficial in the long run.
To Ensure a Smooth Transition: End of Lease Cleaning Sydney ensures that the property is ready for the next tenant to move in. This can help to ensure a smooth transition and reduce the risk of any disputes or issues.

How to Ensure a Thorough End of Lease Cleaning:

Hire a Professional Cleaning Service: If you don’t have the time or resources to clean the property yourself, consider hiring a professional cleaning service. These services have the expertise and equipment to get the job done quickly and efficiently.
Create a Checklist: Create a checklist of all areas of the property that need to be cleaned. This can help to ensure that nothing is missed and that everything is cleaned thoroughly.
Clean from Top to Bottom: Start cleaning from the top of the property and work your way down. This can help to prevent dirt and dust from spreading to other areas.
Pay Attention to Details: Pay attention to details such as light switches, doorknobs, and other areas that may be easily overlooked.


In conclusion, End of Lease Cleaning Sydney is an important aspect of moving out of a rental property. By ensuring that your property is left in a clean and tidy condition, you can avoid additional costs, protect your bond, maintain a good relationship with your landlord, and ensure a smooth transition. By following these tips, you can ensure that your end of lease cleaning is thorough and effective. Remember, it’s always better to be safe than sorry when it comes to End of Lease Cleaning Sydney.

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Our Services

You can rely on us to make any place clean, neat, & tidy.

Commercial Cleaning in Sydney Welcome to Leading Commercial Cleaning, your trusted partner for professional commercial cleaning services in Sydney. Our experienced and certified team is equipped with the best equipment and products to ensure your premises are spotless and hygienic, whether it’s a strata building, office, or medical center. We understand the importance of maintaining a clean and healthy work environment for your employees and visitors. That’s why we offer a diverse range of specialized cleaning solutions to meet the unique needs of different industries, including manufacturing, education, healthcare, entertainment, and more. With 20 years of experience in the cleaning industry, we take pride in providing reliable, top-quality services to businesses of all sizes in Sydney. Contact us today for a free quote and let us help you keep your premises germ-free, virus-free, and pollutant-free.


Professional commercial cleaning services to keep your workplace clean, healthy, and safe. Whether it's a shopping centre or a medical centre, we have got everything covered.

Strata Cleaning Looking for reliable and efficient strata cleaning services in Sydney? Look no further than Leading Commercial Cleaning. Our experienced and professional team will keep your strata premises clean and tidy, creating a welcoming environment for residents and visitors alike. Contact us today for a free quote.


Experience the highest standard of strata cleaning services with Leading Commercial Cleaning. Our professional team will ensure your strata property is always clean and well-maintained.

Office Cleaning Make your office a healthier and more productive environment with our professional office cleaning services in Sydney. Our experienced and reliable cleaners use eco-friendly cleaning solutions and state-of-the-art equipment to ensure every nook and cranny of your workspace is spotless.


Transform your workplace with our reliable and thorough office cleaning services. We use the best products to ensure a clean and healthy environment for your employees.

Our Corporate Cleaning Service caters to large and complex facilities, including high-rise offices and big corporate buildings. With our extensive experience and top-of-the-line equipment, we provide a thorough and reliable cleaning service that meets the highest standards of cleanliness and hygiene for your business.


Leading Commercial Cleaning provides exceptional corporate cleaning services for high-rise buildings and offices in Sydney. Trust us to keep your workspace spotless and professional.

End of Lease / Airbnb Cleaning

Moving out or hosting guests? Our end of lease and Airbnb cleaning services in Sydney will leave your space spotless and ready for the next occupants.

Why Choose Us

We value our clients and strive to build long-term relationships based on trust and mutual respect. Whether you need regular office cleaning, specialized cleaning for a medical center, or end-of-lease cleaning, we have the expertise and experience to get the job done right.

Australian Owned

We are a 100% Australian-owned company, we do not pass our clients to other cleaning companies. All our staff in-house trained.

24/7 Customer Support

We have 24/7 customer support to ensure clients can reach us anytime they have questions or concerns.

Flexible scheduling

We offer flexible scheduling options, including evening and weekend appointments. We can help accommodate customers' busy schedules and operate according to our customer's schedules and not the standard business hours.

Employee Background Checks

We conduct thorough background checks on our employees before hiring them. This lets our clients have peace of mind and understand our commitment to providing a safe and trustworthy cleaning service.

Thoroughly disinfecting surfaces with an antiseptic during a coronavirus epidemic, showcasing our commitment to hygiene and safety in our cleaning services in Sydney's best cleaning company.

What Our Customers Say

Michael M.
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For over two years, Leading Commercial Cleaning has consistently delivered excellent service. Their friendly team always does a thorough job, leaving our space pristine and hygienic. Highly recommended!
Maroubra NSW
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We highly recommend this office cleaning service! The team was efficient, detail-oriented, and left our office looking and smelling fantastic. Thank you for a job well done!
Zetland NSW
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Mason and team were fast, responsive, and did a thorough job at a great price. We got our full bond back and would recommend their services. Thanks!
Barangaroo NSW
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Impressed with this Airbnb cleaning service! Professional and friendly team left my space immaculate. Exceeded my expectations. Highly recommend for top-quality cleaning. Thank you!
Parramatta NSW
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Leading Commercial Cleaning has been providing excellent service at a reasonable cost for over 5 months now. We are very pleased with their work at our medical center.
Lisa D.
Parramatta NSW
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After returning from a long holiday, I hired Leading Commercial Cleaning for the first time. They transformed my office in less than 3 hours! It looks amazing and brand new. I'll definitely use them again.

Simple 3-Step Process

Book your cleaning

Set the schedule

Cleaning done!

We are committed to providing an expert cleaning service. Free estimates are waiting for you!

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